Why Should YOU start a "Side-Hustle Today?

The world economy is changing and each of us has the opportunity to create multiple streams of income through the power of the internet!

Influencer Applications close on June 1st 2020


Are you concerned about your financial future? 

As you have seen over the last few months and years, there is more uncertainty than ever before. The COVID-19 Crisis has only amplified the issues.  Many of us are feeling the reality that even the best jobs don't last forever and the economy is truly evolving into something completely new. We understand how you feel!

We have been talking to so many families right now who have hopes, dreams and goals for the future... and yet almost every single person is concerned that those things are at risk of being shattered because of the economic times we are walking through.

I just met with a man this morning who had a great job and significant stability in his life. He and his wife were saving, dreaming for the future and even involved in ministry on the side. Two weeks ago, he got the call that the software company he works for is laying off half of their staff to try to survive this crisis.  Now he is out of work, trying to navigate unemployment and doesn't know where to turn next since most businesses are laying people off... not hiring!

We WANT to know our kids are going to be OK and have opportunities to grow and succeed. We don't want fear and anxiety to be our constant companion as we try to figure out how the next round of bills will get paid for.

We were literally RIGHT in that same spot walking through the crisis in 2008. When the market dropped and sent ripples of damage through the economy, our lives and our finances were impacted massively. We went from being "successful" business owners to standing in food lines to try not to lose our home.

So looking forward to sharing our story with you because we all need some HOPE in this season!

What If You Could Start a Business TODAY, Work HARD and BEGIN Transforming Your Life?

In the most humble way possible, we can't help but share how our lives have changed in the last twelve years. The most powerful transformation from our business has not actually been in our finances, but in our TIME. We never used to see each other, but now we GET to travel together, develop leaders and build our business alongside each other!!

Fill out your Influencer Application today for a completely free consultation to see if this is a good opportunity for you!

Here’s what our team is saying about the experience with building their own business.

One of the BEST parts of this journey for us is helping other people win, grow and succeed beyond their wildest dreams. We're passionate about you learning and building something that can make a difference for your family and your legacy!

Christian Doe


Pull out a few key words for a testimonial title

These 3 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced the teacher/ instructor, so they should focus on how great the course teacher is and why they are worth trusting.

Barbara Lane

Art Director

Pull out a few key words for a testimonial title

These 3 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced the teacher/ instructor, so they should focus on how great the course teacher is and why they are worth trusting.

Marie Jones

Marketing Specialist

Pull out a few key words for a testimonial title

These 3 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced the teacher/ instructor, so they should focus on how great the course teacher is and why they are worth trusting.

Isn't Starting a Business EXPENSIVE?!

Depending on your industry, goals and startup strategy...  it does NOT have to be! It is true that many new businesses require significant early investments. Often, even the most affordable franchises require hundreds of thousands of dollars just to start the conversation with you. If you dream of running your own food franchise, a free standing restaurant will likely cost you $1.9 million or more.

Many business consultants charge hundreds of dollars per hour just to help you identify the problem you want to solve and help you frame out your business model. You could easily spend more than $10,000 just walking through the startup process not including the hard costs involved in getting it running!

So what is the alternative?!

Influencer Consultation

We will take the time to get to know your story, look at your current platforms and help you determine if and how an online business could be a good fit for your current situation.



  • Free Digital Application
  • Consultation can be via text, phone or zoom
  • Access to us - questions, concerns, strategy

Why Not Today?

Truly you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Your story doesn't have to stay like it is today. God has blessed us so much and we get up every single day to help others work toward their dreams!! Will you let us be part of how your life is transformed? Fill out the application today! Can't wait to connect! ❤️

Joel & Stefani Dunn

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